Low Compression Wireless HDMI

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Price: $ 349.00
Availability: In stock Condition: new QR Code Low Compression Wireless HDMI
Shipping: starting at $22.00 Warranty: 1Yrs
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Wireless Transport of HDMI up to 100 Ft

Unlike our long haul wireless transport solutions, the H-HDMI-RF-PC units transport the HD Video signal over unlicensed bands using a minimal compression proprietary codec.  Since there is little compression, the latency is less than 100 ms.  The unit operates in the license free 5 GHz band, and therefore has much better wall penetration ability than similar units that use the 60 GHz band. Other 5 GHz solutions use MPEG encoding to reduce the bandwidth, this is a much lower compressed and high data rate signal.  Without the need to for complete encoding, the latency is dramatically reduced. 



   •  Transmits in the license free 5 GHz band

   •  Transports HDMI Video with minimal compression

   •  No latency due to a proprietary codec

   •  Excellent wall penetration for non line of sign applications

   •  Transmit to adjacent rooms through several walls


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