El Thor de Fibra portátil F-1GPS-TX/RX se dispone de sistemas de apoyo a la remota ubicación de industrial antenas de GPS. Estos kits son ensamblados y ajustados a los requerimientos únicos de cada aplicación. Thor GPS a través de los sistemas de fibra son una excelente solución para la limitación de la distancia entre el transporte marítimo o de gobierno antenas de GPS y radio receptor de la se?al del equipo. En general, cualquier equipo del sensor o ajuste de hardware, tales como tiempo universal o receptores GPS de navegación de engranajes deben estar instalados y ubicados dentro de los 100 pies de la antena. La mayoría de los industriales modernos tipo de sistemas requieren antenas con una vista clara del horizonte para que funcione correctamente. En el caso de los grandes transatlánticos, subterráneo, instalaciones militares, o los grandes edificios o estructuras(metrópolis); puede ser un desafío para instalar equipos GPS dentro de 100 pies de una adecuada ubicación de la antena. Thor resuelve este problema mediante la ampliación de la distancia a más de 20 km por la conversión de la se?al de GPS de la antena y del cable coaxial cable de fibra óptica. F-sistemas de GPS están disponibles en una variedad de factores de forma, y puede ser personalizado atentos a usuarios individuales de las aplicaciones.
GPS de referencia de se?ales de temporización son ampliamente utilizados para sincronizar estaciones base celulares.
GPS sistemas normalmente consisten en un activo de la antena, un receptor GPS y una longitud de cable coaxial para conectar con ellos. Desafíos comunes que surgen cuando la distancia entre la antena y la estación base celular equipo (normalmente en el sótano) es mayor de 300 ft. El cable Coaxial se ejecuta más de 300 pies no son prácticos para la mayoría de receptor GPS de los sistemas, por lo que un enlace de fibra óptica es necesario en esas distancias, y Thor los enlaces de Fibra óptica son algunos de los más confiables, rentables vínculos en la industria.
NOTA IMPORTANTE*** (es muy importante a la interfaz de nuestra unidad con SC/APC - Ángulo de Pulido del Conector para evitar los reflejos de la luz.
Si la fibra se termina con el SC, ST, FC /PC conector plano, es necesario utilizar una óptica puente de PC tipo SC/APC para la correcta conversión.
*Todas las Especificaciones Sujetas a Cambio Sin previo Aviso NOTA IMPORTANTE*** (es muy importante a la interfaz de nuestra unidad con SC/APC - Ángulo de Pulido del Conector para evitar los reflejos de la luz. Si la fibra se termina con el SC, ST, FC /PC conector plano, es necesario utilizar una óptica puente de PC tipo SC/APC para la correcta conversión. |
Electro Óptico De Caracteres |
1 mW min. (0-+3)dBm -10dBm 10db |
1310 nm, (1550nm o CWDM pedido especial solamente) |
Características de RF |
1100 ? 1585.42 MHz |
60dB |
2.0:1 max |
0,1 mW/ma min |
-25 dBm |
12 VDC fuente de alimentación externa 5V DV (ON/OFF) |
Características Físicas |
La altura de 1.2 Ancho de 3,5 Longitud: 5 |
Características De Vínculo |
15 dB típico |
15 dB min con la entrada de la unidad de nivel de 70 dBm |
22dBm |
Las Condiciones Ambientales |
-25 a +70 (° C) |
-30 a +75 (? C) |
Mecánica |
SC/de APC de Fibra S/M 9/125 Tipo N Hembra |
There is no reason why it shouldn't, our units are wideband and
totally transparent. v
GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite-based navigation system that allows users to determine their precise location, speed, and time anywhere on Earth. GPS signals are transmitted from a network of satellites orbiting the Earth, and can be received by GPS receivers on the ground or in aircraft, ships, and other vehicles.
GPS frequencies are within the L-band range of the radio frequency spectrum, specifically within the 1575.42 MHz frequency band. These signals are very weak, with an average power of just -160 dBm (decibel-milliwatts), and are susceptible to interference and signal loss over long distances.
To send GPS signals over fiber optic cables, a GPS modulator and a fiber optic transmitter are used. The GPS modulator converts the GPS signals into a format that can be transmitted over fiber optic cables, while the fiber optic transmitter sends the signals over the fiber optic cables to the desired location.
There are several types of fiber optic transmitters that can be used to send GPS signals over fiber, including both analog and digital transmitters. The choice of transmitter will depend on the specific requirements of the application, including the distance that the signal needs to be transmitted, the type of fiber optic cable being used, and the data rate of the signal.
It is also important to note that GPS signals are susceptible to interference and signal loss over long distances, so it may be necessary to use amplifiers or repeaters to boost the signal along the way. This is particularly important when transmitting GPS signals over long distances, as the signals can become degraded due to factors such as atmospheric conditions and other sources of interference.
In addition to being used for navigation and location-based services, GPS signals are also used in a wide range of applications, including surveying, mapping, timing, and scientific research. The ability to transmit GPS signals over fiber optic cables enables a wide range of possibilities for these applications, including the ability to transmit GPS signals to remote locations that may not be accessible by other means.
Fiber optic cables are a reliable and efficient means of transmitting GPS signals over long distances. They offer several advantages over traditional copper cables, including higher bandwidth, higher data rates, and immunity to electromagnetic interference. They are also more resistant to physical damage and are less susceptible to corrosion.
To transmit GPS signals over fiber optic cables, the signals must be converted into a format that is compatible with fiber optic transmission. This is typically done using a GPS modulator, which converts the GPS signals into an optical format that can be transmitted over fiber optic cables.
There are several types of GPS modulators available, including both analog and digital modulators. Analog modulators use continuous wave (CW) lasers to transmit the GPS signals, while digital modulators use pulse-code modulation (PCM) to transmit the signals in digital form. The choice of modulator will depend on the specific requirements of the application, including the distance that the signal needs to be transmitted and the data rate of the signal.
Once the GPS signals have been modulated, they can be transmitted over fiber optic cables using a fiber optic transmitter. There are several types of fiber optic transmitters available, including both analog and digital transmitters. The choice of transmitter will depend on the specific requirements of the application, including the distance that the signal needs to be transmitted, the type of fiber optic cable being used, and the data rate of the signal.
It is also important to note that GPS signals are susceptible to interference and signal loss over long distances, so it may be necessary to use amplifiers or repeaters to boost the signal along the way. This is particularly important when transmitting GPS signals over long distances, as the signals can become degraded due to factors such
Based on the specs of the antenna, it looks like it should work because we are directly modulating incoming RF signals into optical wavelength output. It should be really quick and easy to set up. Just make sure you have single-mode fiber and SC/APC connectors.
Note on Equipment Supporting All GPS L Bands
Our GPS equipment is designed to support a wide range of GPS signals, ensuring maximum performance, accuracy, and flexibility across different applications. The equipment is compatible with the latest modernized GPS signals, enabling enhanced precision, robustness, and reliability for both civilian and military use. Below is a list of the GPS L bands and their corresponding frequencies that our equipment supports:
L1 – 1575.42 MHz
Civilian (C/A code), Military (P(Y) code)
L2 – 1227.60 MHz
Military (P(Y) code), Civilian (L2C code)
L3 – 1381.05 MHz
Nuclear Detonation Detection (Not used for navigation)
L4 – 1379.913 MHz
Ionospheric Research (Limited Use)
L5 – 1176.45 MHz
Civilian Safety-of-Life (Aviation)
L6 – 1278.75 MHz
Commercial Use (GPS III)
L7 – 1267.6 MHz
Modernized GPS III Signal
El Thor 20GHz Transmisor es un alto rendimiento de Lightwave Módulo Transmisor dise?ado para se?ales analógicas aplicaciones de la fotónica de la DC a 20 GHz
4 CH LNB plato de satélite de fibra óptica de transporte de más de SM-FOC. 4 Láser TV vía Satélite alimentación de la antena lo largo de la fibra óptica, transmisor del sistema interno de CWDM óptica. Ideal para punto a punto, el transporte o el Punto hasta 32 multipunto. Más avanzada de multi-canal de distribución por satélite del sistema para MDU. Máxima durabilidad con un avanzado sistema automático de ajustes para obtener un 100% claro programación de HDTV con cero pérdida de se?al.