8 Ch DVB ASI Multiplexer

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Price: $ 5,295.00
Availability: In stock Condition: new QR Code 8 Ch DVB ASI Multiplexer
Shipping: starting at $22.00 Warranty: 2Yrs
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Description Features Drawings Models Specification Support


H-8ASI-MUX  8 Channel DVB-ASI Multiplexer

H-4ASI-MUX  4 Channel DVB-ASI Multiplexer


H-8ASI-MUX IP Multiplexer is Thor’s latest multiplexing device for digital TV broadcasting head-end systems with TS output through  2 x 4 bi-directional ASI and 3 bi-directional IP ports. It can multiplex up to 4 ASI and 513 IP inputs to 5 MPTS, and the amount of ASI output should be based on the ASI input (the ASI port can be used as input or output). The H-8ASI-MUX IP multiplexer has the functions of supporting auto-generation of PSI/SI information, PID re-mapping, service filtering, and PCR adjusting. In conclusion, its high integration and cost-effective design make this device widely used in the CATV Broadcasting system.


One or Two 4 ASI in/out: max 4 ASI input/output thru 4 bi-direction ASI ports (ASI direction can be defined as input or output manually)
- IP input: 513 IP in over UDP/RTP (256×2 IP in thru GE1 and GE2, 1 IP i  thru Data port)
- IP output: 5 IP (MPTS) out over UDP/RTP (4 MPTS out thru GE1 and GE2,  MPTS out thru Data port)
- Support all input programs output bypass
- Support accurate PCR adjusting, PID filtering, re-mapping and PSI/SI rebuilding and editing
- Huge buffer memory for saving the overflowing code stream
-Web-based NMS management


Model Selection

H-8ASI-MUX  -  is a universal ASI IP multiplexer and gateway that allows for seamless conversion between ASI to IP and IP to ASI. It features 8 programmable ASI inputs or outputs, with IP input /and Ouput capability.

H-4ASI-MUX  -  is a universal ASI IP multiplexer and gateway that allows for seamless conversion between ASI to IP and IP to ASI. It features 4 programmable ASI inputs or outputs, with IP input /and Ouput capability.




*All Specifiactions Subject to Change Without Notice

Unput Ouput

Unit can cotain up to 4 Individual cards

Each card has

 4 bi-direction ASI ports: max 4 ASI input/output, BNC 75?
3 bi-direction Data ports (RJ45):
513 IP input over UDP/RTP (256×2 IP in thruGE1 and GE2, 1 IP in
thru Data port)
5 IP (MPTS) output over UDP/RTP (4 MPTS out thru GE1 and GE2,
1 MPTS out thru Data port)
100/1000Mbps self-adaption

Packet format 204/188 self-adaption

  2x 4  ASI Inputs /Ouputs ports   (Maximum 216Mbps/Route)
  • Re-Multiplexing
Max PIDs  - 512 output per channel
Functions:  PID re-mapping, PCR accurate adjusting, Automatic generating PSI/SI table
PID transparentAny PID transparent and mapping achievable

Output Interface
Ethernet Port 10/100/1000 Mbps NMS Ethernet Port
Weight 8lb
  • Dimensions
44mm x 482mm x 360mm
  • Environment
0 - 45 C (operation)    -20 - 80 C (Storage)
  • Power
AC 110V±10%, 50/60Hz Or AC 220V±10%,
50/60Hz , 50Hz, 40W
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