Flash Player RTMP Broadcast Encoder

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Shipping: starting at $10 Warranty: 1Yrs
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Broadcast Live HD to Flash Player RTMP

Adobe Real Time Messaging Protocol Compatible

High Reliability Internet & Website Broadcast of Live Video

IPTV or Internet Protocol (IP) video streaming combined with widely available and ever improving broadband internet service is opening up new opportunities for content delivery networks.  Traditional content delivery or CDN services of broadcast video has been historically delivered over satellite networks.  The cost to deliver a broadcast quality HD video stream over a satellite connection can add up to tens of thousands of dollars a month.  Thor flash encoders can eliminate this high opperating cost at a price that is a fraction of a single monthly satellite CND fee.

Thor Broadcast Hardware Encoder & Integrated RTMP Flash Server

The H-ENC-RTMP encoder system provides the same industry leading encoding quality that has made Thor a premier equipment provider for the broadcast and digital video industries.  This encoder provides support for almost any type of video input and encodes to H.264 MPEG-4 transport streams.  Once the video is encoded the systems integrated RTMP adobe compatible flash video server publishes the stream over the Ethernet interface. 


  • Any HD or SD Input up to full HD 1080p60
  •  Highest Reliability for web broadcasting
  • Fully Network Managed through browser
  • Output RTMP stream directly to web servers
  • IPTV Output Unicast or Multicast IGMP UDP
  • Supports advanced encoding configurations 
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