HD Video to 8VSB Modulator

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H-HD-8VSB Video Over Coax HD Video 8VSB Modulator

The Thor line of 8VSB modulators are compatable with many different input signals.  We offer modules for HDMI, HD-SDI, and Component video.  We also have SD input modules for CVBS video as well.  We can provide both single and dual channel units.  These units also offer ASI input and Output, allowing them to function as a stand alone hardware encoder.  The addition of an IP output card adds to this flexibility.  The IP module allows this unit to function as an IP encoder.  This platform can modulate any incoming video signal to a standard 8VSB channel that is compatable with all standard Off Air tuners.  This allows channel lineups to be inserted into the antenna line right next to other Off Air channels.  Normally with a QAM modulator the TV has to be in Cable mode to tune to a modulated channel.  Since these units use 8VSB modulation instead of QAM the TV can be in Off Air mode instead of Cable mode.  This allows further flexibility in designing your system.  Speak with Thor today about your specific modulation needs and various HD video over Coax applications. 


 • Modular input cards accept HDMI, Component, SDI or CVBS

 • ASI output allows these units to be used as Hardware Encoders

 • ASI input allows these modulators to be used as channel contribution modulators

 • IP Output allows these units to be used as IP Stream encoders


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