Óptica Mininode - Receptor de RF CATV con la Ruta de Retorno - de Alta Potencia de Salida de RF 48dBmV

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RF largo de la Fibra CATV TF Mininode - dual de la banda del tranceiver. Thor F-MININODE-2RP-HP serie tranceivers son de banda ancha de frecuencia de radio módems ópticos bi-direccional de comunicaciones de banda ancha. Esta plataforma se puede configurar a medida



  • Excelente óptica AGC contro cuando la entrada de potencia óptica rango es de -9~ + 2dBm, el nivel de salida, CTB y de las OSC básicamente sin cambios
  • Enlace descendente de frecuencia de trabajo extendido a 1GHz, amplificador de RF tiene un alto rendimiento y bajo consumo de energía de GaAs chip, el más alto nivel de salida hasta 112dB?V
  • EQ y ATT tanto el uso de los profesionales eléctrica circuito de control hace que el control más preciso de la operación más conveniente
  • Built-in ethernet transpondedor apoya la gestión remota de la red (opcional);
  • La estructura compacta y de fácil instalación, es la premeire elección de equipos de FTTB la red de CATV
  • Built-in de alta fiabilidad y bajo consumo de energía fuente de alimentación, o seleccione fuente de alimentación externa(opcional)
  • NOTA IMPORTANTE*** (es muy importante a la interfaz de nuestra unidad con SC/APC - Ángulo de Pulido del Conector para evitar los reflejos de la luz.

    Si la fibra se termina con el SC, ST, FC /PC conector plano, es necesario utilizar una óptica puente de PC tipo SC/APC para la correcta conversión.





Parámetros Técnicos

Parámetros Ópticos

La Recepción De La Potencia Óptica


-9 ~ +2

La Pérdida De Retorno Óptico



Óptica De Recepción Longitud De Onda


1100 ~ 1600

Óptica Tipo De Conector



NOTA IMPORTANTE*** (es muy importante a la interfaz de nuestra unidad con SC/APC - Ángulo de Pulido del Conector para evitar los reflejos de la luz.

Si la fibra se termina con el SC, ST, FC /PC conector plano, es necesario utilizar una óptica puente de PC tipo SC/APC para la correcta conversión.

El Tipo De Fibra


El modo individual

Parámetros Link




Nota 1







Parámetros de RF

Rango De Frecuencia


45 ~860/1003

Planitud de la Banda




(FZ110 una salida)

(FP204 dos de salida)

Nivel De Salida Nominal


? 108

? 104

Nivel De Salida Máximo


? 108 (-9 ~ +2dBm de potencia Óptica de recepción)

? 104 (-9 ~ +2dBm de potencia Óptica de recepción)

? 112(-7~+2dBm de potencia Óptica de recepción)

? 108 (-7 ~ +2dBm de potencia Óptica de recepción)

Pérdida De Retorno De Salida



Impedancia De Salida



Óptico Rango de AGC


(-9dBm / -8dBm / -7dBm / -6dBm / -5 dbm / -4dBm) - (+2dBm) ajustable

Control eléctrico EQ gama



Control eléctrico ATT gama



Características Generales

Voltaje De Alimentación


A: AC (150~265)V

D: DC 12V/1A fuente de alimentación Externa

Temperatura De Funcionamiento



El consumo de


? 8



190 (L)* 110 (W)* 52(H)





Question and Answers

the mini-node is an optical receiver with Return Path
I have a coax demarc from the cable company that carries both internet and TV that I want to convert to fiber optics to enable me to transmit the signal less than a mile to a fiber/RF coax converter to enable me to use the cable companies box to watch TV and have high speed internet.
So in this case you need an RF Optical transmitter; then you need an Optical RF receiver with Return Path, and finally you need a Return Path Receiver; so 3 products total and at least 2 strands of singlemode fiber.
Would this device “L-BAND over Fiber Tx+Rx Basic 1 Ch Kit” be more practical for what I am trying to accomplish?
No this is the wrong equipment for your application
Lband is satellite, which is in a different frequency range then CATV
So because I’m transmitting data it would require me to utilize these three devices, correct?
Data and CATV in the RF band; yes correct.
I would also need to install and use single mode duplex fiber optic cable is that correct?
Yes, minimum 2 strands.
One to send and one to receive.
So for each location I wanted to have cable and high speed internet I would need to run two strands of fiber for each location?
not necessarily, it depends what your fiber layout looks like
or the general design itself
https://thorbroadcast.com/ is sharing a file with you. 1_image.png - (Size:530.37 KB)
in this kind of design you can use an optical splitter to minimize some of the products needed.
Are you able to provide me with a price for these four pieces of equipment, optical transmitter, splitter, optical receiver and the little gray box that goes into the house?
Sure what size optical splitter do you need?
You mention a mile of fiber but do you have an optical budget reading on those strands?
Transmitter 4mW starts at $1995.00 but if you need a larger splitter, then you 'll need a stronger transmitter.
1 to 4 and I saw you had both a rack mounted model and mini version so is there a price difference with these?
4 channel return path receiver
MiniNode with Return Path
how about the optical transmitter?
1x4 rackmount splitter is 400, the compact model is 350
do you offer the fiber optic cable I need in custom cut lengths with connectors?
yes we can do that,
I think the part that maybe throwing you off is that the way we calculate optical power needed is in reverse. The splitter is the largest optical loss device in the drawing, so we count backwards on how many receivers you need, then splitter, then in turn we tell you how much power the transmitter needs to have. 
You can not put two 1x16 splitters in line with that transmitter, the signal won't even make it past the splitter. It's too much loss. 
That's why I'm asking you not to look at the picture, but to tell me exactly what the needs of the project are.
So if you have 21 end points then you need a 1x32 splitter
But since you're dealing with one building and different floors, you should be able to get away with one transmitter, 1x32 splitter, and then XXX receivers; I think 21 as you mentioned is probably the correct number. 
So long as they have singlemode fiber in place, we can help with everything else. 
Just make sure it has SC/APC connectors; otherwise we also sell jumpers if you get any other kind of termination installed. 
Unfortunately, it is not possible to turn off the RF output of the F-MININODE-2RP-HP via the network. The unit will always output RF. You consul only attenuatore the RF output up to 15db
However, if your application requires the RF to be turned ON/OFF, we do have a 2x1 RF switch that you can possibly use with the connection to the MININODE. 
You would connect the MININODE RF out to the RF switch, and then you can control it by switching to Input #2, which has no RF supplied.
Here is a link to the product:
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