H-IP-ASI-B-V3 is a unique, versatile device that serves as a transparent gateway between ASI and IP, allowing both ASI-to-IP and IP-to-ASI conversion. It also provides the ability to edit transport streams (TS) and decode ASI or IP inputs into SDI, HDMI video, digital audio, and analog audio.
The unit includes the following inputs:
IP Input (UDP or RTP): Supports multicast or unicast streams, accepting both SPTS (Single Program Transport Stream) and MPTS (Multiprogram Transport Stream). This stream can be converted into DVB-ASI in passthrough mode or modified by adjusting PIDs or the VCT. Individual TS streams within the MPTS can also be removed if necessary.
ASI Input: Supports SPTS and MPTS streams. The MPTS ASI stream can be transparently converted to an IP MPTS stream, or each TS within the ASI can be converted into its own SPTS IP stream (unicast or multicast). Additionally, each TS can be modified by adjusting PIDs or the VCT. Each individual TS can also be decoded to baseband video as SDI, HDMI, and analog audio.
ATSC RF Tuner: This tuner can be set to any frequency, and scanned off-air content can be converted to ASI or IP.
The unit allows any single conversion at a time, such as ASI to IP or IP to ASI, but not both simultaneously.
Applications and Conversions:
The H-IP-ASI-B-V3 is designed to be a flexible solution for a range of ASI/IP and RF-based broadcast and streaming applications
Simplified Processes the Gateway can handle:
The unit can perform ASI-to-IP, IP-to-ASI, or RF (ATSC-8VSB) to IP/ASI conversion, but not simultaneously. The input must be selected as ASI, IP, or RF. If ASI input is selected, the output will be IP (UDP unicast or multicast), with an ASI output also available for transport stream (TS) modifications, such as PID or VCT adjustments. For example, if the ASI MPTS contains three multiplexed TS streams and one TS is removed, the output will be a single IP MPTS with two TS streams, or two IP streams (SMPTS), along with an ASI MPTS with two TS streams. The same scenario applies in the opposite direction, from IP to ASI.
If RF input is selected, the output will include both IP and ASI. Each individual TS from any source—ASI, IP, or RF—can be selected and decoded to SDI, HDMI, and CVBS simultaneously.
H-IP-ASI-B-V3 - ASI-to-IP or IP-to-ASI Converter and Gateway with Integrated ASI/IP/RF Decoder to SDI, HDMI, and CVBS.
*All Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice |
RF Tuner - ATSC Off Air, (8VSB) |
HD-SDI 1080i, 720p, 720i, 576i, 480i HDMI 1080i, 720p, 720i YPbPr 1080i, 720p, 720i CVBS 576i, 480i |
H.264 - MPEG-2 |
MPEG1 Layer 2, MPEG2 Layer 2 Dolby AC/3, HD-AAC V2, LC-AAC |
1x BNC 188/204 format up to 200 Mbps |
1x RJ-45 10/100 UDP or RTP up to 85 Mbps |
1x Type-F ATSC-T: 54-860 MHz 6M Bandwidth |
2x BNC - Analog Unbalanced 2x XLR
1x MPTS UDP or RTP 1-32x SPTS UDP or RTP |
2x ASI Multiplexed Output 2x ASI Tuner Pass Through |
Web Based Browser Interface Full Front Panel LCD Interface Front Panel LCD Video Monitor |
20 x 18 x 1~1/2 Inches |
7 lbs |
28º ~110º F |
2 to 16 Channel DVB ASI Distribution Amplifier With Re-Clocked Output