1 - 8 de HDMI Digital Modulador de RF CC (Subtítulos)

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H-HDCOAX-8 Admite 8 entradas HDMI y su diseño modular (máximo 8 entradas HDMI) y su configuración flexible lo hace escalable y muy confiable al tiempo que proporciona un alto rendimiento. La fuente de señal puede ser de cualquier STB, receptor de satélite, cámaras de televisión de circuito cerrado y antena, etc. Su señal de salida está diseñada para funcionar con cualquier TV o STB. Debido a que viene estándar con cada estándar de modulación de RF integrado, este dispositivo puede funcionar en cualquier lugar del mundo en un formato plug and play.

Esta unidad es similar a nuestra línea de productos H-1,2,4 HDMI-QAM-IPLL, pero tiene algunas diferencias. Es una unidad menos costosa, cada programa está modulado en su propia frecuencia, solo salida CATV RF, no Salida de IPTV




Número de Entradas 1,2,4,8 1,2,4
Número de CATV frecuencias (los transportistas) 1,2,4,8 - Cada video tiene su propio canal 4
Modulación QAM, ATSC, DVB-T, ISDB-T en la misma unidad-pre-cargadas y conmutable QAM, ATSC, DVB-T, ISDB-T Firmware dependiente de la
Puede modular de múltiples programas en la misma frecuencia portadora


cada programa debe ser modulada en frecuencia por separado


varios programas pueden ser modulada en la misma frecuencia, por ejemplo, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

Método de codificación MPEG2 sólo MPEG2 o H. 264 - seleccionable
Dolby De Codificación De Audio
Control Del Panel Frontal
IPTV de Salida NO




  • 1-8 HDMI Canales de Entradas (dependiente del modelo)
  • HDCP compatible funciona con cualquier fuente HDMI, como un Reproductor de DVD o de Cable, de Satélite STB hasta 1080p/60 resolución
  • Codificación de Vídeo MPEG2
  • 1080p/60, 1080i, 720p, 576i, 480i Resolución de Video
  • Baja Latencia (50~100ms)
  • MPEG layer 2, AAC, y DD de Codificación de Audio AC3
  • CC (Closed Caption), EIA 608
  • LCN
  • DVB-C DIGITAL QAM, ATSC, DVB-T, ISDB-T RF en un solo dispositivo, la Modulación dinámica de conmutación
  • Control a Través de la Web Basada en el NMS, fácil y actualizaciones a Través de la Web
  • La Pantalla LCD y el panel frontal de control



1, 2, 4, 8 HDMI Digital RF Modulator with CC-Closed Captioning QAM, ATSC, DVB-T, ISDB-T up to 1080p
Thor Up to 8 HDMI Digital RF Modulator CC is an all-in-one device integrating MPEG2 encoding and modulating to convert audio video signals into DVB-C T ATSC ISDB-T RF out. Supports HDCP, so it could be used with any DVD player or Set-top box or Sattelite tuner The unit generates separate CATV RF NONadjacent frequencies, it could be used in any country. Lowest price per HDMI channel on the Market, Technical support at no cost, pre-setup available https://thorbroadcast.com/product/1-8-hdmi-digital-rf-modulator-cc-closed-captioning.html

Selección de modelo

  • H-HDCOAX-1
  • H-HDCOAX-2
  • H-HDCOAX-4
  • H-HDCOAX-6
  • H-HDCOAX-8


HDMI Codificación de la Sección

De entrada


  • H-HDCOAX-1 - 1HDMI + 1CVBS para CC
  • H-HDCOAX-2 - 2HDMI + 2CVBS para CC
  • H-HDCOAX-4 - 4HDMI + 4CVBS para CC
  • H-HDCOAX-6 - 6HDMI + 6CVBS para CC
  • H-HDCOAX-8 - 8HDMI + 8CVBS para CC





De entrada


[email protected]/60i








[email protected]/60i




[email protected]/60p


Tasa de bits

2.000~20.000 Mbps

Control De Velocidad


La Relación De Aspecto

16 :9



MPEGI layer2, AAC, AC3

Frecuencia de muestreo

48 khz


Tasa de bits

MPEG1 layer 2 (192kbps)




AC3 (128 kbps)

DVB-C Modulador de la Sección


J. 83A (DVB-C), J. 83B



Frecuencia del RF

100-1000MHz, 1KHz paso

Nivel de salida de RF

-63~ -16dBm (44~91 dB?V), 1dB paso

Velocidad de símbolo

3.000~7.000 Msps ajustable


J. 83A

J. 83B



64/ 256QAM

El ancho de banda



Modulador DVB-T de la Sección



El ancho de banda

2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, 6M, 7M, 8M



Código de tarifa

1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8

El Intervalo De Guarda

1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4

Modo De Transmisión:

2K, 8K



Frecuencia del RF

100-1000MHz, 1KHz paso

Nivel de salida de RF

-63~ -16dBm(44~91 dB?V), 1dB paso

Sección de Modulador ISDB





El Intervalo De Guarda

1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4

El Modo De Transmisión

2K, 4K, 8K

Código de tarifa

1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8

Frecuencia del RF

100~1000MHz, 1KHz paso

Nivel de salida de RF

-63~ -16dBm(44~91 dB?V), 1dB paso

ATSC Modulador de la Sección





Nivel de salida de RF

-63~-16dBm (44~91dB?V),1dB paso



Frecuencia del RF

100~1000MHz, 1KHz paso

Nivel de salida de RF

-63~ -16dBm(44~91 dB?V), 1dB paso

Sistema de

Gestión de





Actualización Web


Fuente de alimentación

100V AC?10%, 50/60 hz o 220 v AC?10%, 50/60Hz


482x328x44.5mm = (19"x12.9"x1.7" )

La temperatura


Question and Answers

You need to make sure the modulator is hooked up with HDMI and the CVBS as well. HDMI doesn't carry Line 21 data, that data actually has the CC. Without taking the CVBS from the DTV box and into the HDCOAX-8 you're only passing audio video to the modulator and not the CC. Once you hook up the CVBS ports from the STB to the modulator it will work right away.
The HDMI video doesn't carry separate CC, if you turn the CC on the STB, it will become part of the Video image which we will encode it, it will be always on the RF,
You can connect HDMI from the STB as a source of the Video and Audio and separate CVBS baseband video output for the same STB as a source of CC -closed captioning, our modulator will detect and read the CC information for the analog video CVBS signal encoded on line 21.
The modulator will generate a separate CC608  strem together with the MPEG video and audio strem, from this analog CVBS signal.
Now, you will be able to turn ON/OFF CC on this specific channel on the TV using the remote control
Thank you for contacting us, we have a gate solution for RF over coax distribution. 
Please check those 8and 4 ch HDMI modulators you could use to produce 10 channels form  DSTV decoders  via HDMI
Do you already have a coax network in place?
What modulation standard do you use in your country?
Please send me the topology drawing if you can
Coax distribution is very easy and straightforward.
I would recommend combining 4ch and 8ch H-HDCAOX-8, because of the price. The 12ch HDMI is more expensive because it also has IPTV output.
The topology would be handy, I could tell you what splitters and taps you could use and where, but I will explain briefly how it works.
An RF meter would be needed during the installation.
Basically, we will output 35dBmv RF power from the modulators , than you will conect it to a 1x2 (4.5db loss) or 1x4 (7.5db loss) or 1x8 (13db loss splitter) , each splitter has different RF power insertion loss
There is also loss in the coax, depending on the frequency used average 4db per 100 feet ( 30m) The TV's can see the RF even at 0 dbm, so you have 35dv RF budget.
After the splitter you could use RF amplifiers if needed, in the other locations you could also use splitters or cascading TAP's , Tap has an INPUT, Drop or Drops, and Output for the next cascading TAP.
The easiest way to do it is to calculate the losses and plan it out, if not then connect the modulators and check the levels in the end locations and determine if Amps are needed or not.
This is very easy, let's say you will get 2 units 8ch HDMI modulator, you can connect 16 different Video sources like DVD players, Computers, Satellite Set to boxes,
We take those 16 HDMI videos and modulate them on the different TV channels, now any TV connected to the Coax network can scan and receive those channels,
Since this will be clear, unencrypted CATV RF QAM channels, you will just use the TV's remote control to flip those channels 1-16, I'm assuming you currently have Cable or Antena COAX network in place
Please let me know if this is clear.
 if you take 2 or more, you use a simple CATV RF passive combiner to combined them together.


Gracias por la explicación.
Esto es muy fácil, digamos que obtendrá 2 unidades de modulador HDMI de 8 canales, puede conectar 16 fuentes de video diferentes como reproductores de DVD, computadoras, satélite a cajas,
Tomamos esos 16 videos HDMI y los modulamos en los diferentes canales de TV, ahora cualquier TV conectado a la red Coaxial puede escanear y recibir esos canales,
Dado que esto será claro, canales CATV RF QAM sin cifrar, solo usará el control remoto del televisor para cambiar esos canales 1-16, supongo que actualmente tiene una red de Cable o Antena COAX en su lugar
Por favor, avíseme si esto está claro.Podemos ofrecerle un precio de exportación con descuento de $ 3200 + envío para el modulador HDMI H-HDCAOX-8 de 8 canales, si toma 2 o más, usa un simple combinador pasivo CATV RF para combinarlos juntos .
The output power is +35dbmv,
This modulator outputs 8 individual 6Mhz channels, but you can do Virtual numbers like 33.1, 33.2, but they will be modulated on the 2 different frequencies.
If you need to mux and modulated 2-3 or more programs on a single carrier then we have different unit H-4ADHD-QAM-IPL, 4ch HDM Imodulator ( with Mux function) , for 8 channels you would need to cha 2H-4ADHD-QAM-IPLL, and combined ( cascade ) them together,
Once you have our unit configured to the RF channels you want to utilize, then into the combiner as you noted and you're done, just make sure you're not overlapping any channels.
There's nothing else you need to do. 
You might have to go to the TV's and do a QAM scan again so the TV's see the new channels, some television models immediately see them, some require scanning again. 
Also we can preconfigure the 12 HDMI unit for you, so when you get it, all you have to do is connect all the cables. 
Another thing you should since you have several manufacturers equipment running, the dB level RF output from the various units might be an issue if they are all quite different. 
So double check that as well, our units puts out around, ball park 35dB, so if another company's unit is outputting significantly higher RF levels, like 60dB, that could be an issue. 
Make sure all the levels are in a similar area. 

The H-HDCOAX-8 outputs 8 separate 1 to 1
frequencies, but you can spread them, they do not have to be adjacent.
you can also create VCT like 11-1, 11-2 but on separate RF carries.
If you must have 2 on 1 the only way we can do it is through
H-4ADHD-QAM-IPLL, this unit can mux 1-4 TS's on the single carrier,
but the price is much higher

This is a link:

Seems like you already have a modulation system in place; this is the best option for cable distribution. 
However if you have HD decoders, and an analog modulator then you are paying for HD but serving your rooms with SD because of the analog mod. 
My suggestion would be to upgrade to HD modulation and provide HD channels to all your rooms. 
You can add HD mods one at a time, like this
Or you can use a high density modulator like this  model which has 8 HDMI inputs
This is the most logical way to upgrade your system. 
----Answer 2
You can send this CATV RF over Single Mode fiber
We do have CATV RF Optical transmitters and receivers available :
Please email us more details we will advice best solution for it
How many end points?
How many TV's in each end Point ?
What is the fiber distance?
Those are the examples:
Transmitter F-RF-1310-TX-32Mw
Optical splitters:
Hi Power receiver: -2x45dbmv output power
Low Power receiver - 2x25dbmv output
This is the application drawing
We have an excellent solution for this type of design. 
The best option would be to use 4pcs of our Thunder-8 modulator; 8 HDMI inputs per unit, combine the RF outputs on different channels and you'll have up to 32 HDMI inputs via coax you can distribute. 
This is an example drawing of what the solution would look like with 4 modulators from THOR BROADCAST. 


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QAM, ATSC, DVB -T, ISDB -T Modulation, Thor 1, 4, or 8 x HDMI Digital RF Modulator is an all-in-one device integrating MPEG2 encoding and modulation to convert audio/video signals into ATSC / DVB-C QAM DVB-T / ISDB-T RF output. Supports Low Latency Mode for live event applications, HDCP compliant, works with any HDMI source like DVD Player or Cable Satellite STB up to 1080p/60 resolution The 8-channel model in addition to 8HDMI inputs has also 8 CVBS baseband video inputs, which can be selected, those inputs could be also used for Closed Captioning Inputs.


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