6 Ch L-Banda Sobre una sola Fibra Extender 54-3000Mhz -CWDM

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Precio: $ 6,500.00
Disponibilidad: En stock Condición: nuevo QR Code 6 Ch L-Banda Sobre una sola Fibra Extender 54-3000Mhz -CWDM
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De fibra Óptica de 6 LNB para SWM Interruptor de Sistema de extensión para el 6 de Polaridad TV vía Satélite

El F-LB61 sistema de Thor Fibra está dise?ado para su uso con sistemas de TELEVISIÓN por satélite que tienen seis LNB coaxial cables provenientes de las antenas. Estos son normalmente los sistemas que apoyan la antena adicional internacional de contenido libre o a la programación de aire. El LB61 solución funciona con la mayoría de los estándar de TV vía satélite antenas tales como Directv y Dish Network? systems. LB61 crea un enlace de fibra óptica entre la antena y el cable solo multiswitch parte del sistema de TV. Esto puede ser usado para superar las limitaciones de distancia entre la antena y el resto del sistema, o para distribuir la salida de una sola antena a varios de TV lugares de distribución. El estándar LB61 sistema puede ser utilizado para entregar la salida de una antena de satélite para hasta 32 ópticas individuales de los receptores. La salida de cada uno de estos receptores ópticos es idéntica a la de la salida de la original de la antena de satélite. No hay manera de que el equipo del proveedor de televisión puede detectar que no está directamente conectado a su propia antena de satélite.

Direct TV Compliant

La aplicación más común para la LB61 sistema está ampliando la distancia máxima entre un sistema de televisión y su satélite, la antena de plato. Sin el uso de un Thor sistema, la antena debe instalarse a menos de 100 metros de un multiswitch o receptor de los equipos. Esto no es un problema para la mayoría de las residencias o del hogar tipo de aplicaciones para el consumidor; pero constituye un obstáculo importante en los grandes edificios de gran altura o de las instalaciones corporativas. El LB61 sistema aumenta la flexibilidad de los sistemas de TELEVISIÓN por satélite por la superación de la limitación de la distancia entre la antena y el resto del sistema de TV.


  • Hasta el 6 de RF de fuentes de satélite 4 LNB más de 1 stramd Solo modo de fibra
  • Amplia respuesta de frecuencia de 54 a 3000Mhz
  • Compatible con múltiples proveedores, tales como DirecTV, Dish Network, Libre-a-aire
  • Dise?ado para su uso con un Solo Cable Multiswitch sistemas
  • Hasta 32 puntos finales - los Receptores de un solo transmisor, el uso de 1x32 splitter óptico
  • Plug and Play
  • No ópticamente saturar
  • Entrada de Se?al de RF del Transmisor = RF de la Se?al de Salida del receptor (100% transparente)
  • Transmisor de RF de Entrada de alimentación de la LNB - 13V o 18V
  • Envía el tono de 22Khz de control
  • Adicional ATSC RF de la antena local de transporte posible bacuse es apoyar a 54-3000Mhz espectro
  • Envía el tono de 22Khz de control
  • La pantalla LCD y el panel Frontal de la gestión del
  • Transmisor muestra de RF de Potencia de Entrada para el individuo RF alimenta y de la Óptica de Salida de alimentación para cada 6 CWDM láseres
  • El receptor muestra Óptico de potencia de entrada de cada uno de los 6 láseres, incluyendo RF de Potencia de salida
  • Interno de Alimentación de CA fuente de alimentación 110V-220V
  • Fuente de alimentación redundante

NOTA IMPORTANTE*** (es muy importante a la interfaz de nuestra unidad con SC/APC - Ángulo de Pulido del Conector para evitar los reflejos de la luz.

Si la fibra se termina con el SC, ST, FC /PC conector plano, es necesario utilizar una óptica puente de PC tipo SC/APC para la correcta conversión.


Accessories & Upgrades


*Todas las Especificaciones Sujetas a Cambio Sin previo Aviso

  • RF Entradas

6x Tipo-F 75 Ohm

  • Rango De Frecuencia
  • RF Nivel de Potencia de Entrada
14-25 dBmV (-35 - -23dBm)
  • Longitud De Onda Óptica
6x CWDM 20nm Espaciado 1310-1610nm
  • Óptico De Potencia De Salida

3.0 dBm (2mW) - estándar

  • La Salida Óptica De Los Puertos


NOTA IMPORTANTE*** (es muy importante a la interfaz de nuestra unidad con SC/APC - Ángulo de Pulido del Conector para evitar los reflejos de la luz.

Si la fibra se termina con el SC, ST, FC /PC conector plano, es necesario utilizar una óptica puente de PC tipo SC/APC para la correcta conversión.

  • Tipo De Láser
6x Realimentación Controlada DFB tipo de CWDM
  • RF Pérdida de Retorno
12 dB
  • Conexión RF Gain
25 dB
  • La Interfaz De Control
De Red SNMP (opcional, los costos adicionales)
Panel Frontal
  • Fuente De Alimentación
110 / 220 VAC cambio Automático
  • El Consumo De Energía
>50 W
  • Dimensiones
19 x15 x 1.75
  • Peso
3.5 kg
  • Temperatura De Funcionamiento
0 - 65 C

Question and Answers

So this is all relative to what kind of Dish you have. Our Lband over Fiber systems assist contractors and integrators in moving dishes further away from the receiver then the allotted RG coax allows which is roughly 90 feet. So if you can't use good old copper, most professionals have to install singlemode fiber, which will carry the signal for miles. In this case you'd be looking at a fairly expensive endeavour based on the dish you have. Some old style dishes have a single LNB polarity; most new HD dishes have anywhere from 3-5 LNB's. What our systems do is take those polarities, convert them to glass via CWDM multiplexing, and then the reverse happens on the receiving end. This does not include the Fiber, The Dish, or the Outdoor weatherproofind you'll need along with send some sort of power supply up to the dish so you can power the Transmitter and the Dish's LNB's. So if you know the model of the dish you have let us know and we can point you to a specific model. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions.
we have a unit that would work for you but it will not take entire L-band, it has 16 individual L-band channels input, the programming needs to be unencrypted.Please check this link below, and let me know if it will work for you, if you more channels, you can use multiple units and. Each band channel can carry multiple TS programs.Each TS's is being converted to its own multicast or unicast UDP stream https://thorbroadcast.com/product/16-rf-tuners-to-iptv-ts-qam-output.html/118
We have 1,4,6 LNB's over fiber available. The LB61-CWDM unit has 6 individual lasers converting each LNB to its own CWDM wavelengths, this is how we can multiplex 6 individual RF signals over 1 single fiber. The Transmitter and Receiver are 19" rack-mount 1RU chassis', the unit has LCD display it shows RF input and output power as well as the Optical input and output power, making it very easy to install without specialized testing equipment. In addition, each input on the Transmitter can be set to output 13V, 18V, 0V with 22khz tone, so a polarity locker is not needed. The standard Transmitter can be split 1x8 using external optical coupler F-PLC-1x8 to connect 8 remote locations.
Please check this drawing, it shows connection diagram : https://thorbroadcast.com/upload/files/177/satellite-tv-fiberbreak.pdf
1) The best option for this application is to use our LB41-CWDM system which can take up to 4 L-band signals and will mux them onto one fiber. https://thorbroadcast.com/product/4-ch-l-band-over-single-fiber-extender-45-3000mhz-cwdm.html 2) So, in this case, you would need to use 3 separate portable transmitters and receivers running over 3 separate fibers: This is the link : F-L-band-TxRx https://thorbroadcast.com/product/l-band-over-fiber-tx-rx-basic-1-ch-kit.html Each kit has a transmitter, receiver and power supplies. These are quite compact and should be able to fit 3 of those in the Nema box easily, but each one of the Tx units will require a power supply.
We do have the equipment to send DirecTV over Fiber. 
However, much like CATV or any DISH in the RF world, can only be sent over fiber using a single mode. 

There are no systems in the world available that will let you send any band of RF over multimode fiber. 
It's a direct TV signal. The component we spec'd originally was blonder tongue and had RF frequency of 250-3500 MHz.
It is and no longer available.
How many LNB's did that system have?
1, i believe. i see a 4 channel unit
4 Ch L-Band Over single Fiber Extender 45-3000Mhz -CWDM
We do have single Lband sets
I'd like to see those.
that starts at 900MHZ. I don't know enough about RF to know if that is important or not.
But it looks perfect otherwise.
I see the DirecTV sat dish.
For lband it is not
are you able to explain a little more?
CATV is 5-870mhz and Lband is above 1ghz to 2.4ghz
and our band units are wide band, if you read down a little further, they are wide band to include ATSC as well
so realistically those units work from 52-2.47ghz
But DISH works in the spectrum above CATV
What you should check is to see if your DISH has a built-in SWM and that is the reason it's only outputting one LNB so to speak
because that means the polarities are stacked, and the unit won't work. But if it's a bit of an older dish and ONLY has one LNB, then you should be fine
I'm not sure of the one LNB answer
hence why we offer the 4-6 LNB input systems, modern HD dishes usually have at the minimum 4 polarities, which means 4 LNB's
argh. existing Directv client getting moved.
so the 4 unit model is the right one? How much for Transmitter/Receiver? List?
I can't tell you which is the right one because we don't have enough information to dictate that.
Some dishes can have one LNB, or 2 or 5 or 6, it varies quite a bit
RF only works on singlemode fiber and requires SC/APC connectors
perfect. that is super helpful,
We essentially have all the options, we just need to know specifics of the hardware you have, then we can point you in the right direction
how is availability?
all are in stock
perfect, I'll find out more info and select the right one
sounds good!
If you could get us the model number that was specd by blonder we could also work off of that as well
Blonder Tongue Part No. FILT-S3A-3000
Blonder Tongue Part No. FILR-S4A-3000
Blonder Tongue Part No. ACCS-PS-170
ok ill take a look
But the Blonder Tongue guy wasn't talking LNB's.
Ah I see
Do each of those put out a cable?
yeah those are single LNB kits
here's my honest opinion, go do some research on the dish, take pictures, look up specs, and then look at the situation again
i have pics of the existing dish, so it should work out fine. thank you
It's a little complicated when just learning the hardware, the good news is an installation with our units is a breeze.

1) What is the distance of the single-mode fiber run you have? Or do you know what the optical loss budget is?


Unfortunately you can not put RF on MM fiber. It just won't work. 
Nearly all the products we sell that are compatible with MM fiber are only good for a couple thousand feet. 
So sending any signal 13km on MM is not going to work out very well. 
In either case, any RF product will necessitate singlemode fiber only. So long as that link that is 13km doesn't have any exaggerated losses in the line, our stock units should be able to work just fine in that environment.
3) for 13KM the F-LB41-CWDM-TX/RX  set is sufficient

The devices are very easy to install.

The TX has 6 RF inputs from the satellite dishes' LNBs.

You have a choice to power the LNBs from the TX. Each input can have 0V, 13V, 18V, or a 13V+22khz tone to 18V+22Khz tone.

The device is a service independendt, you can use andy signal from any sat company like DirectTV ,Dish network, Bell media, Shaw communications or any free to air service 50-3000Mhz

You can do this using buttons and LCD front panel control or by logging into the web interface using the device's IP address if purchased with SNMP and WEB option

The TX has an SC/APC angle-polished connector and only SC/APC fiber connectors should be used.

By bsing standard blue SC/PC fiber jumpers can damage the devices. Therefore, make sure to interface the device only with SC/APC terminated fibers of optical jumpers on the TX and RX sides.

The receiver also has an SC/APC optical connector and 6 corresponding RF outputs , it is one to one, so that here comes in on the TX , it goes out on the RX



Thank you for reaching out to us. The F-LB61-CWDM-TX/RX is an excellent choice for sending 6 L-band signals over a single fiber.

We utilize 6 individual CWDM lasers for each RF signal.

The transmitter can power an LNB with 13 or 18 or 13/22hz, 18V/22Hz power if needed.

The transmitter and the receiver come with dual redundant power supply. It operates over 1 single-mode fiber with SC/APC connectors.

The Transmitter / Receiver can  also have  an SNMP option for monitoring



he LB61 should not have any issues with the setup you will have. If the transmitter receives 90-110dBuv RF input, we will be fine. The TX/RX kit can support up to 20km of fiber, so 5km should not be a problem. Since you will use your own power, the TX will be set to 0V output.

Please find my answers:

A) 1470,1490,1510,1530,1550,1570,1590nm

B) No, it is not tied to the optical transport. The device needs to be connected to the local LAN. However, if you have extra fibers, you can establish an independent 10/100/1000 link between the sides using Ethernet transceivers like that:

C) No, unfortunately we did not conduct a study as we do not have enough data. This is a relatively low quantity specialty product,  we do not have too many failures or RMAs. I would estimate 1-3% in 3 years

D) The signal is relatively flat, probably 5dB maximum across the entire spectrum

E) So, normally we do not produce them in 48V DC. We could possibly do it, but it would be costly, and we would need to charge an additional fee for it. If you do not require it, I would recommend going with the standard 120-220V AC





Yes, this configuration and it fit perfectly your project :" Direct TC LNB KA\KU Slim Line
Dish/Antenna (SL5 Model) Located on the roof of the bulding , but Sonara 5SATPL Power Inserter
and Polarity Locker is not nesesary to use, since we are generting LBV volage and 22kh tone


99 & 101 (Even) LHCP requires (18 Volts)
99 & 101 (Odd) RHCP requires (13 Volts)
103 & 119 (Odd) RHCP requires (13 Volts)
103, 110 & 119 (Even) LHCP requires (18 V)


The Tamp-6R03 Trunk Amplifier Input/Output 5 to 2400 MHz might be also not needed , since we can accetp incoming signal at 85dbuv RF power. 

(Off-Air) Lava HD-2605 Outdoor Antenna-UHF/VHF/FM/SDTV/HDTV is a good choice. 

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