4 Ch SD/HD 3G-SDI Over Single Fiber CWDM Uncompressed Rack-Mountable

Qty: 3
Price: $ 4,495.00
Availability: In stock Condition: new QR Code 4 Ch SD/HD 3G-SDI Over Single Fiber CWDM Uncompressed Rack-Mountable
Shipping: starting at $22.00 Warranty: 2Yrs
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Transport of 4 Ch 3G-SDI Over Fiber F-4SDI-3G-TXRX-RM

Thor Fiber uncompressed 3G-CWDM part number F-4SDI-3G-RM-TxRx come in a kit (Tx & Rx) and are standard configuration Fiber Optic Transmitter and Receivers for Serial Digital signals up to 3G-SDI running at 3.0 Gbps.  This system can be ordered with any standard CWDM optics package, and internal passives are available by request.  This is a 4 Channel system based on a standard 40km platform.  No configuration or management is needed, as the system automatically adjusts to any input signal type regardless of bit rate or protocol. Easy to read LED indicators for Input Signal Detect and optical link are present for all channels. Units come standard with ST/PC fiber connectors and a 1RU 19" rackmount form factor to keep your rack clean. Simplified easy to use plug and play units mean that anyone can deploy these in no time. Commercial grade intricate parts means these will work for years without hassle, backed by Thor Fiber's 2 year warranty and free tech support means a stress free guarantee. 

Thor part number F-xSDI-Tx/Rx designates a fiber optic transmitter or receiver used to transport serialized digital signals up to 3.0 Gbps.  Any channel configuration up to 16 channels per fiber can be designated by value "x".  Units can be configured to transport any number of SDI channels in either direction up to a total of 16 per fiber.  For even higher densities, DWDM systems are available by request.  Thor uses high quality DFB lasers for maximum reliability and distance, with off the shelf models functioning up to 50km when used with single mode fiber.  F-SDI systems will transport any digital signal from 1 Mbps to 3.0 Gbps independent of protocol or standard.  These systems can be used for anything from 3G-SDI (SMPTE 424M) to multi rate DVB-ASI down to single program at low bit rates.  F-SDI units incorporate industry standard internal CWDM modules for compatibility with similar systems from other manufacturers, such as Python™ systems.  This standardization allows Thor F-SDI equipment to be used in conjunction with other commercial off the shelf transmitters or receivers from other vendors, including Python™ series equipment.  All outputs are automatically re clocked to eliminate problems with jitter and to allow for long cable runs out of the receiver.  Applications range from live broadcast and Electronic News Gathering to government and scientific research applications.  Contact a Thor Sales Representative today for more information on system design and equipment compatibility.       


• Compatible with any Serial Digital Signal up to 3.0 Gbps
• Available with internal optics for use with a single optical fiber
• Standardized channels for both CWDM bands for compatibility with Python™ systems
• Passes SDI embedded audio and all ancillary data
• Input equalization and reclocking for SDI video on buffered outputs
• Available in any custom configuration for Bi-Directional Transport up to 16 total channels
• Real-time status LED indicators for troubleshooting and monitoring
• DWDM systems available by request for higher density systems



*All Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice
Optical Characteristics


  • Wavelength

1310 nm CWDM Band
1271nm, 1291nm, 1311nm, 1331nm
1351nm, 1371nm, 1411nm, 1431nm
1550 nm CWDM Band
1471nm, 1491nm, 1511nm, 1531nm
1551nm, 1571nm, 1591nm, 1611nm

*Other Wavelengths Available By Request
*DWDM up to 160 Ch/Fiber By Request

  • Fiber Cable
Single Mode ONLY
  • Optical Data Rate
Up to 4.25 Gbps (Model Specific)
  • Optical Source
DFB Laser Module - CWDM
  • Optical Budget
25 dB - Standard
35 dB - Long Range
  • Fiber Connectors
ST/PC - Standard
Electrical Characteristics  
  • Input
Any Serial Digital Signal up to 3.0 Gbps
  • Input Level
1.00 V Peak to Peak
  • I/O Impedance
75 Ohm
  • Electrical Connectors
BNC - 75 Ohm
  • Dimensions (L x W x H)
480mm x 225mm x 88mm
  • Weight
8-15lb - Depending On Configuration
  • Temperature Range
Operating: -10C to + 55C
Storage: -30C to + 70C
  • Humidity Range
0 to 95%, non-condensing
  • Power
100 - 240 VAC Auto Switching PSU
10 - 30 Watt Depending On Configuration

Question and Answers


The F-8MSDI-TX/RX can support HD-SDI up to 1080i/60, but we can not do
3GDI on it.
We can add 2 Bi-directional Audio card but it will take embedded audio
for the first 2 SDI inputs

The F-8MSDI-ET-TX/RX is a 8 HDSDI + 10/100 Ethernet
We can add 2 Bi-directional Audio card but it will take embedded audio
for the first 2 SDI inputs

If you require 3G-SDI then we need to use CWDM mux.

Or The F-SUPERMUX-8 , this unit can mux any 8 signals

We can not add Bidirectional Audio and Gbe both but the total can not
exide 8 , so 2 x for Bidirectional Audio, 1 for Gig ET and 5 for 3G

If the price matters, I would recommend going with 8 3G SDI
F-8SDI-3G-TX/RX-RM, and external GIG ET and Audio on the separate
devices and separate fibers.

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