4 GPS signals over the Fiber TX/RX with Outdoor Waterproof Enclosure

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Reliable and redundant distributed 1-4 GPS timing over 1-4  fibers

Part Number: F-4GPS-TX-WE  /  F-4GPS-TX-RM

Thor Fiber F-GPS systems are available to support the remote location of industrial GPS antennas.  These kits are assembled and tuned to the unique requirements of each application.  Thor GPS over fiber systems are a solution for the distance limitation between maritime or government GPS antennas and radio signal receiver equipment. Typically any sensor equipment or tuning hardware such as universal time receivers or GPS navigation gear must be installed and located within 100 ft of the antenna system.  Most modern industrial type systems require antennas with a clear view of the horizon to function properly.  In the case of large ocean going vessels, underground military installations, or large buildings or structures; it can be a challenge to install GPS equipment within 100 ft of a suitable antenna location.  Thor solves this problem by extending the distance to over 20 miles by converting the GPS signal from the antenna from coax to fiber optic cable.  F-4GPS systems are available in a variety of form factors and can be custom tuned to individual users applications.

Outdoor waterproof enclosure Fiber optic transmitter

19" Rack Mountable Receiver

The F-GPSF GPS over fiber system is a transmitter and receiver pair used to transmit the RF Carrier signal from a GPS antenna to a remote location up to 10 Km.  There are many advantages to converting the GPS Carrier to an optical signal for GPS over fiber.  Fiber Optic cable is much less expensive than low loss coaxial cable used for RF signals.  It is also much smaller and easier to work with.  Optical signals are not affected by RF interference, therefore this system can be used to transport a GPS signal over fiber through a noisy RF environment. The F-GPSF can also be used to transport the GPS signal over fiber from a single GPS antenna to a multitude of locations throughout a building, aircraft, or ship.

This Fiber Optic GPS Antenna Link is a complete system which allows us to convert the GPS Carrier from RF to Light, transmit it up to 20 Kilometers if need be then reconvert it to RF to be received by the GPS Receiver.

 Global positioning systems (GPS), used for navigation, relies on signals from satellites in a geosynchronous orbit around the earth. This synchronization is required for personal communications systems (PCS) such as cellular telephones. PCS base station signals using fiber optic transmitters and receivers experience low loss and high quality. In addition, smaller, less expensive power amplifiers can be mounted to the tower reducing transmission losses and system cost. Fiber’s dielectric properties also reduce damage from lightning strikes at PCS base stations. Fiber optic L-Band, GPS  links can also be used as an outside repeater in shopping malls, tunnels, and subways where PCS signals are non-existent or extremely weak, allowing L-Band satellite transport.

  • GPS base stations with long antenna cable runs
  • Run the GPS carrier to multiple GPS timing boards throughout a company
  • Run GPS throughout an aircraft
  • Satisfies the requirement of supplying multiple GPS receivers with a carrier, spread over a great distance
  • For R&D facilities, supplies a GPS carrier to a multitude of engineers and technicians with only one antenna on the roof.


  • RFoF by Application
  • Satcom over Fiber
  • Broadcasting & DVB-T
  • UHF & VHF over Fiber
  • BTS – DAS Fiber Transport
  • CWDM RFoF Links
  • High SFDR & Low NF Link
  • Timing & Frequency over Fiber
  • GPS Fiber Transport
  • MIMO Antenna Measurement
  • Avionics
  • WiMAX & 4G LTE over Fiber


  • Supports all GPS frequencies internationally
  • 4 independent redundant GPS inputs
  • 4 Independent fiber optic output
  • Redundant power supply
  • LCD panel with all diagnostic information about RF and optical levels.
  • NEMA 4 Fiber Transmitter for outdoor  mounting
  • Compact Transmitter also mounts indoors without using rack space
  • Each system supports one or two GPS antenna paths
  • Supports high level of optical split and RF split for flexible routing of GPS for small cells and extended base station sites
  • Operates on backed up base station power or dual AC power supplies
  • Simple to install – no adjustment
  • Minimal signal loss and degradation over very long cable runs up to 20km.
  • Provides a highly secure tamper-proof GPS over fiber connection between antenna and receiver.
  • Interference free link through noisy environments, the optical signal is unaffected by electrical noise.
  • Lower cost of optical fibre cable compared with long cable runs of high quality low-loss coax.
  • Electrical isolation between antenna and receiver protects against lightning strikes and electrical surge 


  • Minimal signal loss and degradation over very long cable runs up to 20km.
  • Provides a highly secure tamper-proof GPS over fiber connection between antenna and receiver.
  • Interference free link through noisy environments, the optical signal is unaffected by electrical noise.
  • Flexible, small-diameter, lightweight optical fiber cable for GPS over fiber.
  • Lower cost of optical fibre cable compared with long cable runs of high quality low-loss coax.
  • Electrical isolation between antenna and receiver protects against lightning strikes and electrical surge

IMPORTANT NOTE*** (it is very important to interface our unit with SC/APC - Angle Polished Connector to avoid any light reflections.

If your fiber is terminated with the  SC, ST, FC /PC flat connector, you need to use an optical jumper from PC type to SC/APC for proper conversion. 


Model Selection

Transmitter - Weatherproof Enclosures NEMA 4 and dual power supply, LCD display, RF and Optical meters built in

F-4GPS-TX-WE  -  4 redundant individual GPS fiber optic Transmitter

Receiver - 19" rack mountable enclosure ,LCD display, RF and Optical meters and dual power supply

F-4GPS-RX-RM -  4 redundant individual GPS fiber optic  GPS fiber optic Receiver (one RF GPS output)

F-4GPS-RX-RM-OU - GPS fiber optic Receiver with Optical Output for cascading


*All Specifiactions Subject to Change Without Notice
Electro Optical Characteristics  
  • Optical Output
1 mW min.
  • Wavelength
1310 nm
  • RF Characteristics
  • Modulation Bandwidth
1000-1700 MHz
  • Amplitude Flatness
1.5dB typical
  • Input VSWR (50 Ohm)
2.0:1 max
  • MW/ma@1200Mhz
0.1mW/ma min
  • 1dB Compression 
 -25 dBm
  • Power
110/220 or 28-36 VDC
Physical Characteristics  
  • Dimensions-Indoor Rack Mount
Height 1.75
Width 8.0
Length 17.0
  • Sealed Outdoor Waterproof Box
Height 4.17
Width 7.72
Depth 12.0
Link Characteristics  
  • Link Loss
15 dB typical
  • Carrier/Noise (30khz BW)
15 dB min with input drive level at 70 dBm
  • 3rd Order Intercept   
  • Environmental Conditions
  • Operating Temperature
-25 to +70 (deg C)
  • Storage Temperature
-30 to +75 (deg C)
  • Optical Connectors
FC/PC Fiber S/M 9/125


IMPORTANT NOTE*** (it is very important to interface our unit with SC/APC - Angle Polished Connector to avoid any light reflections.

If your fiber is terminated with the  SC, ST, FC /PC flat connector, you need to use an optical jumper from PC type to SC/APC for proper conversion. 

Question and Answers


I reviewed your drawing, antenna, and GPS LT4610 receiver
specifications. It is 100% compatible with our GPS fiber systems.
There are 2 important aspects you need to be aware of, you need to
have 4 single-mode fibers, the fiber needs to be terminated with
reflection proved connector SC/APC, or if it is not SC/APC, you would
need to use the conversion cable jumpers to interface our GPS
Those units have enough power to serve about 10Km of fiber.

Yes, that is correct. The F-GPS-RX-RM-4 product works as a receiver/decoder only.
 It converts the light signal back to the original electrical GPS RF signal. 
The device functions as a GPS RF extender over fiber and, more importantly, as a physical isolator. We refer to this as a "fiber break" because it makes it impossible to send any signal back from the RX to TX since the RX is not equipped with any laser. It is just a photo-optical detector.
If you only need one GPS, here is the link to the F-1GPS-TX/RX, which will do the job.
Please note that we also have very similar solutions for Satellite Antenna L-band over fiber 
Cable TV RF cable (fiber break). They are essentially rated for different RF frequency ranges.
In your application, which signal would you like to isolate: GPS, L-band, or CATV RF cable?


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