Thor Óptico Mini Transmisor de RF CATV 45-1000Mhz

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Precio: $ 1,495.00
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El Thor de Fibra Óptica Mini RF CATV 45-900Mhz Transmisor se utiliza principalmente para la transmisión de larga distancia de la fibra óptica de transmisión de RF CATV - Analógica o digital QAM o ATSC de Televisión Digital TV, teléfono y transmisión de datos. Es de aplicación para la transmisión de se?al digital de vídeo y datos en el cable de la televisión y de la industria de las comunicaciones. El alcance de transmisión puede variar de 5 km a 30 km. Viene equipado con un avanzado láser DFB que fácilmente proporciona expectionally de alto rendimiento y potencia de RF, así como el procesamiento automático de la tecnología desarrollada por nuestra empresa. Por último se ha incorporado un micro-ordenador que controla automáticamente el sistema de control y garantiza un excelente rendimiento de los equipos.


  • 45 -1000MHz de trabajo ancho de banda
  • De alto rendimiento de la DFB coaxial láser que tiene una gran vinculación de rendimiento y de salida estable
  • Avanzadas de procesamiento de la CPU y con una función de sistema de vigilancia para supervisar el estado de operación que conduce a una vida más larga del laser
  • Baja pérdida de potencia de dise?o(menos de 8W), lo que crea una versión de baja temperatura de funcionamiento

NOTA IMPORTANTE*** (es muy importante a la interfaz de nuestra unidad con SC/APC - Ángulo de Pulido del Conector para evitar los reflejos de la luz.

Si la fibra se termina con el SC, ST, FC /PC conector plano, es necesario utilizar una óptica puente de PC tipo SC/APC para la correcta conversión.



Product Video
HDMI Modulator and RF over fiber latency demonstration Thor Petit connected to Fiber optic TX and RX
This is a demonstration for showing you how to do HD video Encoding using QAM modulation and transporting it over 10Km of fiber This Specific setup is for applications where HDMI source " ROKU " device is connected to the HDMI RF modulator H-HDMI-RF-PETIT, the CATV RF channel number 2 created by the modulator then output through Coax is then connected to the CATV RF Fiber optic Transmitter, over single-mode fiber optic cable and over to the CATV RF optical receiver, the receiver converts the optical signal to electrical COAX RF signal again. The encoder modulators add a slight delay to the system, the fiber optic Tx and RX ads only 1ms delay.

Selección de modelo

F-RF-TX-MN-2Mw - 2Mw láser de hasta 10 Km sobre fibra

F-RF-TX-MN-10Mw - 10Mw láser de hasta 40 km sobre fibra


Elemento Unidad Especificación técnica
La longitud de onda nm 1310 nm ? 20 / 1550 nm ? 20
Tipo de láser   Laser de DFB
Óptica tipo de modulación   Directo óptico de la modulación de la fuerza
Óptica tipo de conector  


NOTA IMPORTANTE*** (es muy importante a la interfaz de nuestra unidad con SC/APC - Ángulo de Pulido del Conector para evitar los reflejos de la luz.

Si la fibra se termina con el SC, ST, FC /PC conector plano, es necesario utilizar una óptica puente de PC tipo SC/APC para la correcta conversión.

Rango de frecuencia MHz 45-862/1000

RF nivel de entrada



Planitud de la banda dB


La resistencia de entrada de Rf   75
La entrada de la pérdida de reflexión dB


Link C/N dB


Link C/CSO dB


Link C/CTB dB


AGC controlar el rango de dB ?5
MGC controlar dB 0~10
Fuente De Alimentación V DC 12 V/1 A
La Pérdida De Potencia W

? 8

Dimensión mm 140 x 90 x 26


Question and Answers

Unfortunately, RF Catv can only be transmitted over single-mode fiber. Multimode creates too much dispersion and reflections and the degradation is so severe, and so fast that it is literally impossible to put the cable on multimode. Would it be possible for you to pull a strand of single mode fiber? If possible that product you selected would be an ideal fit for your project.
The multimode fiber doesn't support CATV RF, the easiest way would be to install the single-mode fiber and use the following devices: Transmitter or if this is impossible, you can use RF to IP and IP to RF gateways.16 QAM to IP to 16 QAM Ethernet over Fiber Converters:
If you have Single-mode fiber in the rooms,
You can use the following units point to multipoint RF over fiber equipment
8mw CATV RF Transmitter: F-RF-TX-8
1x8 fiber optic slitter ( 1x6 is not available)
6 pcs  CATV RF fiber-optic receivers
8mw CATV RF Transmitter: F-RF-TX-8
1x8 fiber optic slitter ( 1x6 is not available)
6 pcs  CATV RF fiber optic receivers
CATV and RF in general has to be sent over Single Mode Fiber.
Formerly there were a couple companies who did Catv over multimode because it was analog, and they did very low frequencies, were able to make it work.
All of our units are wide band, covering the entire echelon of RF CATV, 45-870Mhz, which encompasses channels 2-135. Our correlating transmitter and receiver sets will only work on singlemode fiber. 
Especially since CATV in general is digital now, I don't even think you can get transmitter and receivers over MM that work in analog,
Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like a quote on some of our current fiber optic transmitter and receiver sets. 

The rules are :

Out fiber-optic RF CATV Transmitter and Receiver need to be connected
with single-mode fiber terminated with SC/APC connectors - this is
very important
RF input power to the F-RF-1310-TX-4mW needs to be +15 -  +25dbmv
Optical input power range into Receiver  F-RF-RX-RM  is +3 - -5dBm

Receiver outputs +45dBmv RF power in this optical input +3 - -5dBm range

You should have the RF output with OP +1.6 dBm, so something is wrong.
Are you using single-mode fiber end to end?
Are you interfacing our equipment with SC/APC fiber connectors?

Yes, this is a good setup,
Please just note could facts:
RF Input power should be +15 to +25dbmv
The optical inputs into receives should be 0 to -5dBm
It would be very handy to have a CATV RF meter and optical meter, it will save you a lot of setup time because the RF power and Optical power need to be met in order to work properly and it is very had to determine that without instruments
If you do not have it,  we have a very simple RF meter f and an Optical meter
Also in your picture you noted SM-APC for the connectors, I think you mean SC/APC. 
The Optical output from this unit is +2dbm
The 1x4 splitter F-PLC-1x4 has 7.4db insertion loss
The receivers receiving sensitivity is  +3 to -6dbm
You should be fine, it is on the border but it will work
Thank you for contacting us. 
If you are trying to pass along RF CATV, regardless that it is analog, you can not do it on multimode fiber. Multimode is good for short distances with certain signals, like IP or Video. 
However with RF you can only use it with single mode fiber. That could be why you're having a tough time finding a solution, it's not possible. 
If you look in our CATV over Fiber products,You will see every single piece of equipment is listed as only being able to work with single mode fiber whether it's HD QAM / ATSC or just SD NTSC Analog. 
Generally speaking the only solution here is to pull new fiber. 
Yes, this is one of our specialties. 
So in this case if you need a distribution system for 1 Transmitter and 5 Receivers with all relatively short runs, these are the pieces of equipment that you would need.
At least an 8mW Transmitter with enough power to get through a fiber coupler that's 1x8
Fiber Splitter 1x8
Receivers, we offer a variety, rackmount, compact, or compact with higher RF output power
All of our CATV over Fiber equipment can be found here if you'd like to browse:
You need to make sure of two things.:
1- you have single mode fiber
2 - you have SC/APC connectors, if you don't you need to purchase some jumpers for conversion/ we carry all varieties 

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