Qty: 4
Precio: $ 6,495.00
Disponibilidad: En stock Condición: nuevo QR Code IPTV 16/32 CLARO CANAL de RF QAM/ATSC Modulador
Envío: a partir de $22.00 Garantía: 2Yrs
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IPTV to 32 QAM descripcion del modelo
IPTV TS's Input to 32 QAM channels output - Edge QAM


IP a 8 o 16 o 32 QAM RF CATV o ATSC Ágil Borde Modulador

H-IPRF-32QAM IP de 32 RF Ágil QAM Borde Modulador

H-IPRF-16QAM IP a 16 RF Ágil QAM Borde Modulador

H-IPRF-16ATSC IP a 16 RF Ágil ATSC Borde Modulador

H-IPRF-8ATSC IP a 8 RF Ágil ATSC Borde Modulador

H-IPRF-16DVBT IP a 16 RF Ágil DVB-T Borde Modulador

H-IPRF-8DVBT IP a 8 RF Ágil DVB-T Borde Modulador


Modulador QAM para IPTV columna vertebral para Borrar QAM RF

Thor Difusión del modelo de H-IPTV-16QAM que va a modular IPTV para el transporte de flujos de Claro-QAM RF canales de DVB-C aplicaciones

El H-IPTV-16 QAM modulador es un simple todo-en-una utilidad de dispositivo para convertir hasta 1024 Transporte de IP de Flujos UDP / RTP en 16 no adyacentes Canales QAM. Este Thor de Difusión de alta densidad IP para el modulador QAM está dise?ado para sacar el contenido entregado a través de un backbone IP o CDN sistema y modular la programación en digital QAM cable de los canales de distribución a través de cable coaxial. Este producto incluye un 1ru a lo chasis de apoyo a las dos individuales Ethernet entradas de inyección de hasta 840Mbps en cada Ethernet RJ45 conector de salidas Que toda la programación en un solo RF conector del Tipo F para una fácil salida en su Coaxiales de RF de la infraestructura. Este único RU factor de forma le permite crear su propia dirección IP a la RF de cabecera en un solo chasis. Todos los Canales QAM y la IP que se gestionan desde la facilidad de uso de NMS RJ45 puerto de conexión en la parte frontal de la unidad, que permite de forma rápida y fácil el acceso a su programación de Thor, fácil de leer interfaz gráfica de usuario Que puede acceder desde cualquier lugar de su red. La IPTV de programación de entrada es estándar de formato de cabecera, el significado básico de la UDP / RTP unicast/multicast IGMP v2 / v3 de puertos y direcciones en formato. Este impresionante densidad permite un solo chasis para convertir un IPTV backbone Ethernet alimentación se convierte en una completa gama de cable digital DVB-C canales para una fácil distribución.


Además de la alta densidad de IPTV-moduladores QAM para cualquier aplicación, Thor también se Especializa en Fibra Híbrida Coaxial (HFC) y Fibra hasta el Hogar (FTTH) de equipos y dise?o del sistema. Thor completa solución llave en mano de la línea de productos se extiende a la cabecera de la codificación de las plataformas con el objetivo de ser el único proveedor de equipo que usted necesitará siempre. Un equipo completo de formación de los ingenieros de aplicaciones está disponible para contestar cualquier pregunta que usted pueda tener y recomendar soluciones disponibles que tú no eres consciente de. Póngase en contacto con un representante de ventas hoy mismo si desea obtener más información sobre cómo recibir una consulta gratuita y dise?o del sistema.


Thor número de pieza H-IPTV-QAM sistemas están dise?ados específicamente para utilizar el ancho de banda a la entrada del IP Secuencias de Transporte y la reasignación de Que el ancho de banda del RF QAM frecuencias. La cantidad de programas a los que 'son capaces de inyectar en el QAM de los sistemas sólo está limitado por el ancho de banda proporcionado. Esencialmente, usted puede crear una cantidad menor de la programación en HD o de Alta Definición con una extensa cantidad de SD programación de definición estándar. El 16 de no-adyacentes canales QAM son los únicos instalación en el NMS así que usted puede colocarlos en cualquier QAM de cabecera Que permitirá la programación para ser ajustado y configurado en cualquier canal de formación. Con auto o manual PID reasignación de funcionalidad, usted será capaz de establecer exactamente la configuración de los canales de su elección, permitiendo una mayor flexibilidad para la personalización de sus canales. La maximización de esta puertos Gigabit Ethernet Que va a la entrada de hasta 840mb / s cada uno para producir 16 Canales QAM con el fin de crear su propio personalizado de cabecera nunca ha sido más fácil el uso de Thor Emisiones más recientes de IPTV-QAM CATV de cabecera en una caja. Por favor llame a un asociado de ventas ahora para más información o enviar una solicitud mediante nuestro Thor botón de Guión.

Portador De La Configuración


Principio De Gráfico


NMS de Instalación de la Página WEB de la GUI: Frecuencia de la página de configuración en Thor IP para QAM Borde modulador



NMS de Instalación de la Página WEB de la GUI: multidifusión de IP de Entrada a la página de configuración de IP para QAM Borde modulador




NMS de Instalación de la Página WEB de la GUI : IP secuencias de multidifusión de Entrada de la página de detalles de IP para QAM Borde modulador



  • IPTV Modulador incluye 2x Gigabit Ethernet interfaces de entrada
  • 16 QAM Claro Salidas de Canal - No Adyacentes 50-960Mhz
  • Máximo de 1024 Canales de TS a través de UDP, RTP y Unicast / Multicast
  • Salida De RF, el 16 de Multiplexado, Revueltos, o QAM (DVB-C) Canales
  • Gigabit Ethernet es atendida por la SFP interfaz
  • Soporta Unicast y Multicast, soporta IGMP v2 / v3
  • Max 840Mbps para cada GE Entrada
  • Soporta Hasta 180 PIDs por canal con PID reasignación (manual o automático)
  • Web NMS (Network Management Software) para facilitar el acceso en línea y la gestión de



Product Video
How to convert IPTV Video steams to Cable TV channels - IPTV to CATV QAM , IPTV to coax converter
So in today's episode, we're using a 4 Channel HDMI encoder modulator H-4ADHD unit that is creating several IP streams from HDMI sources. Those sources Roku, Firestick, and BluRay are then sent via RJ45 through a switch which then goes from IPTV streams, converted back to RF QAM using an EDGE QAM Modulator. This is ideal for campus-like environments that can use one headend to distribute IPTV channels to numerous buildings, and then break back out to COAX via QAM Modulation. High-density output means a single 1RU 32QAM output device, can let you put quite a few streams into the coax existing infrastructure without the use of Set-Top Boxes. links to the devices : 4channel HDMI IP encoder and QAM modulator : https://thorbroadcast.com/product/4-hdmi-component-hd-to-coax-and-iptv-hd-8230.html/21 4 channel SDI IPTV encoder and QAM modulator https://thorbroadcast.com/product/1-4-sdi-to-qam-modulators-and-iptv-streaming-encoders.html/0 Edge Modulator - IPTV streams to QAM modulator https://thorbroadcast.com/product/iptv-to-16-32-clear-channel-rf-qam-atsc-modulator.html/122

Selección de modelo

H-IPRF-32QAM IP de 32 RF Ágil QAM Borde Modulador

H-IPRF-16QAM IP a 16 RF Ágil QAM Borde Modulador

H-IPRF-16ATSC IP a 16 RF Ágil ATSC Borde Modulador

H-IPRF-8ATSC IP a 8 RF Ágil ATSC Borde Modulador

H-IPRF-16DVBT IP a 16 RF Ágil DVB-T Borde Modulador

H-IPRF-8DVBT IP a 8 RF Ágil DVB-T Borde Modulador


de entrada

de entrada

512 × 2 entradas IP, 2x 100 / 1000M puerto Ethernet (SFP)

El Protocolo De Transporte

TS a través de UDP / RTP de unidifusión y multidifusión IGMP V2 / V3

La Tasa De Transmisión De

Max 840Mbps para cada entrada GE


Canal de entrada


Canal De Salida


max Pid

180 por canal


PID reasignación de (auto / manual opcional)

PCR precisa ajuste de

PSI / SI la tabla de la generación Automática de



Max simulscrypt CA


Scramble Estándar

ETR289, ETSI 101 197, ETSI 103 197


Local / remoto de la conexión



Los Canales QAM

16 no adyacentes transportistas

Modulación Estándar

EN300 429 / ITU-T J. 83A / B

Velocidad de símbolo

5.0 ~ 7.0 Msps, paso a paso 1ksps


16, 32, 64, 128, 256QAM


RS (204, 188)

Salida de RF


1 F-tipo de salida para el 16 de transportistas, impedancia de 75 ?

RF Rango de

50 ~ 960MHz, paso a paso 1kHz

Nivel De Salida

-20dBm ~ + 10dBm (~ 87 117db?V), de 0,1 dB pisar


? 40 db


-60 dBc

TS de salida

16 de IP de salida a través de UDP / RTP / RTSP, unicast / multicast, 2 x 100 / 1000M Puertos Ethernet

Sistema de

Software de gestión de red (NMS)



420 mm × 440 × 44,5 mm (WxLxH)


10 libras

La temperatura

0 ~ 45°C (Funcionamiento) -20 ~ 80°C (Almacenamiento)

Fuente De Alimentación

100V AC ? 10%, 50 / 60Hz o 220V AC ? 10%, 50 / 60Hz

El consumo de

15.4 W

Question and Answers

Yes our reseller in the UK is Jigsaw24, they will be able to quote you on anything you need. If you would like to purchase direct please let me know.
The DVBT standard has a wider step in Mhz then ATSC /or QAM. So if you need DVBT the 16QAM unit will only output 8DVBT and 32QAM unit will only output 16DVBT. So essentially because of that modulation standard, the amount of channels we can output is cut in half.
Do you need IP to Analog RF NTSC/PAL modulated output? Can you accept Digital RF QAM/ATSC/DVB-T output? What country are you from, we will check your CATV RF modulation standard If you need Analog RF output than we would need to use the IP to CVBS decoder than Analog Modulator with CVBS Input. https://thorbroadcast.com/product/8-ip-to-8-analog-video-audio-cvbs-out.html
This IP to QAM modulator unit supports unicast/multicast UDP and RTP Input IP TS streams only. Please check if those cameras have that format available, if not You can use our IP STB (set-top boxes) to decode your stress to HDMI Video format, this is a: https://thorbroadcast.com/product/compact-ip-decoder-set-top-box.html Now the HDMI QAM from the STBs connect to our 8Ch QAM/ATSC modulator to modulate and create 8 individual digital channels with the HD resolution up to 1080p https://thorbroadcast.com/product/1-8-hdmi-digital-rf-modulator-cc-closed-captioning.html If the cameras have HDMI outputs you could connect the output directly to the modulator, eliminating the need of the STB. Some cameras have other Video outputs like Analog Video CVBS or HD/SD- SDI, we have other modulators with those video format inputs
What modulation will you need QAM or ATSC, the unit support only one of them? For hotel application QAM is better to format, you can fit more videos too. How many IP TS's do you need to modulate? Please note that 1 QAM channel contain 38Mbps data, the 1 ATSC channel contains 19Mbps data, so the amount of the programs we can fit in 1 Channel depends on the encoding TS video data rate. For example, if your TS datarate is 8mbps, then you can fit 4 Videos on the 1 QAM frequency or 2 videos on 1 ATSC frequency because of the 38mbps limit for QAM. Please let me know if this is clear.
Yes, this is what that equipment was designed for. It will output 32QAM Channels; if you need more then that you just purchase additional units. However you can also put multiple programs in a single QAM, that is determined by the data rate of each IP. For the RF over Fiber application, we have an entire catalog of units to get the project done correctly. https://thorbroadcast.com/products/cable-tv-catv-rf-45-900mhz What is the approximate distance of the fiber, or the optical loss of the line?
The H-IPRF-16/32 accepts a clear IP stream to CLEAR QAM, so the Vertimax needs to stripped off.
The unit is transparent, it works as a gateway, so whatever format is coming on the IP, it will be situated on the QAM.
You can also mux multiple TS programs on the single carrier, up to 28Mbps per channel, so for example if your streams are encoded at 8Mbps, you can fit 4 of them, For example, ch 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
We do have options for both. The QAM models are in stock; we have 16 and 32 channel outputs available. 
So, you can use 2 units, and then use a simple 2x1 RF combiner and the output of the combiner will have all 64 channels. 
Are you looking for IP to 16QAM H-IPRF-16QAM or IP to H-IPRF-32QAM?
Are the incoming IP streams Clear UDP multicast streams encoded in MPEG2?
Yes, the system is able to mux internally, but please note that we can not transcode (h.264, aa3) to MPEG2, so if the multicast st stream is encoded in H.264, the same stream will be modulated on QAM.
A lot of TV's tuners will be not able to decode H.264, just a few companies and new TV's support H.264
We do indeed have EDGE QAM modulators that would be ideal in this kind of scenario where you need to convert IP streams directly to QAM or ATSC. 
Those units are very specific so you need to determine if you would like to do QAM cable or ATSC over the air antenna. 
So you should consider if you have any other programs or CATV channels running in your vessel, it would be easier to match whatever else is presently available.
IP to 16QAM 
IP to 8 ATSC 
Both of those units are the same price. 
Some questions I would have for you is in order for this to go smoothly we would need to know more about those IP streams you have. 
What is the protocol being used? I assume those are multicast streams as well but double check on that for us.
The higest desinty we can offer for the DVB-T is 16CH
If you use a 6mhz channel then 19.4Mb payload x 16 = 310Mbps
If you use 8Mhz channels than 33Mb payload  x 16 = 528Mbps
The part number is H-IPRF-16DVBT
Yes we have similar IP to Clear QAM gateway, similar to Cisco RFGW-1
H-IPRF-32QAM is a IP to 32 QAM gateway , it generates 32 QAM block channels
The unit is is transparent to incoming TS stream, so the TS on the IP input = TS output on the RF QAM
The streams can be put and mixed anywhere on the available and generated Channels
It supports VCT and PID's remapping, major and minor channels can be named for any stream


If you need 50-60 channels than 2 pcs would do the job

This is just a gateway, it converts IP to RF without changing the stream. 
Now that you mention you have IP camera's this probably won't work since you mention you're in Massachusetts.
Here's why; these gateways do not have any sort of transcoding implemented (yet, we're working on that)
So I went to the camera's data sheet and these are H264/H265 camera's. 
Which is great, if you want to use something like VLC to view the footage. 
Now if you're planning on using an american television with north american standards this solution won't work. 
You have to re-enocde the signal first. So essentially you need to take the camera outputs and put them in an RF modulator, which usually require IP STB's. 
You can't view H264 video on American MPEG2 televisions (for the most part, there are exceptions. 
We are working on a new model that has built in transcoding, however, that might be ready in 1-2 months time, it'll be the first of its kind on the market. 
For the time being if this is an immediate solution you require, you'd be better off purchasing IP STB's, so if you have 16 camera's, you'll need 16 decoders, then you plug those HDMI outputs into an RF modulator. 
That is the case. As I noted we're working on a new product that would have a built in Transcoder, so it would be able to do all of this in one step. 
But yes, American standard for television is MPEG2. 
You purchased camera's that are H264. So it's just not compatible, the TV won't see the image. 
This is a less expensive option: (also I'd stay away from setting those camera's up as H265, there's no benefit in your situation.)
For the whole package, we would be able to give you a discount of sorts; or you can wait until the new hardware is ready. 
But this is the case that tons of people have when they go to install, most people don't realize codecs and protocols have to match otherwise distribution is dead in the water. 
Yes if you're in port, and can pick up ATSC channels, that would make sense. But if you go port to port, or various cities, where the channels change, then you also might have to get an RF filter to ensure those channels never corrupt the incoming ATSC from the camera's. 
Basic setup, lets say you have 16 Camera's 
16 STB
16 HDMI modulated inputs
you're already looking at close to 13k without the switches or cabling or anything else. 
In general this happens a lot, people find a camera they like and install somewhere, could be a warehouse for example; then they realize if they bought the slightly more expensive camera, they'd have an easier time with the headend conversion. 
The device outputs +37dbmv , The TV's are able to decode the signal at 0 dbmv , so we have 37 db to play with.
Loss examples.
Coax loss is 3-7db per 100feet , debonding of the frequency
1x4 splitter loss 7.5db
1x8 splitter is 12db
If the loss in the system excedes 37db, than you can simply use RF amplifiers.
So the actual answer varies. Reality is that the QAM frequency can carry up to 38mbps of data; so you can use that pipe however you want. 
You can do 1 HD at 19mbps, and 3 SD at 6mbps
or whatever breakdown you like. 
What also matters is if you are sending H264 or MPEG2, naturally H264 is more dense, however most TV's can't see H264, so realistically if you use MPEG2 and want full 1080p60 HD, then we suggest 2 programs at 19mbps; example you can have 20.1 and 20.5 using one frequency but you have two full HD programs on one frequency or channel. 
You can also send 720p at 9mbps each, and technically have 4 programs of HD; however as you know there is a big difference between 720p, 1080i, and 1080p. 
These are all things that play a part in the debate, so there isn't technically a right or wrong answer, it's generally how many programs you want to stuff into the output. 
However the unit itself is designed to output 32 full QAM channels, so in practical terms 64 full HD 1080p programs is very reasonable. 
So the actual answer varies. Reality is that the QAM frequency can carry up to 38mbps of data; so you can use that pipe however you want. 
You can do 1 HD at 19mbps, and 3 SD at 6mbps
or whatever breakdown you like. 
What also matters is if you are sending H264 or MPEG2, naturally H264 is more dense, however most TV's can't see H264, so realistically if you use MPEG2 and want full 1080p60 HD, then we suggest 2 programs at 19mbps; example you can have 20.1 and 20.5 using one frequency but you have two full HD programs on one frequency or channel. 
You can also send 720p at 9mbps each, and technically have 4 programs of HD; however as you know there is a big difference between 720p, 1080i, and 1080p. 
These are all things that play a part in the debate, so there isn't technically a right or wrong answer, it's generally how many programs you want to stuff into the output. 
However the unit itself is designed to output 32 full QAM channels, so in practical terms 64 full HD 1080p programs is very reasonable. 
You mention analog and IP for inputs on the modulators; can you be slightly more specific? 
We do have quite a few options. 
How many overall channels are you trying to add? 
Depending on that answer you could use an IP to RF Edge Qam like this H-IPRF-32QAM
But we would also need to know the PID information for RCN, do you have that info available for their boxes?
If they require certain information, you might have to use modulators to do that contribution. 

So products like that exist, but generally speaking if you want to
output the signal on RF (ATSC or QAM) the video should already be in
The problem you're going to find quickly is that American Television
sets require MPEG2; if you happen to have TV's that can accept H264
then that's really great and we do have a simple solution.
However if you have MPEG2 TV's, then you're better off using STB's for
IP to HDMI, then using RF modulators to create your RF channels.

How many IP Camera's do you have?


Well as I mentioned the TV to view those channels needs to be reviewed
of weather they can see H264 or not.
As I noted, chances are they won't unless they are quite new, but even
some new TV's don't have that feature.

Well realistically in cases like this we have equipment that can do IP
to RF. We have units that can output 16 or 32 QAM channels from IP

But that's only if you already have MPEG2 video.
In this case I would say using a simple IP STB for HDMI output going
to a modulator for RF output is the practical solution.
Then we have a number of RF modulators that will output MPEG2 as you need.

So you have IPTV headend, you wish to send it over fiber, then decode from IP to RF, then send the RF to all the hotel rooms?
If this is correct then we have some options for you. 
For IP over Fiber I suggest these units:
The transmit and receive is $398.00 as a kit. 
For IP to RF we have these models available:
These can produce up to 32 QAM channels. 
Since you are in Spain, I assume your IPTV transport streams are MPEG4. 
You will be able to put multiple streams on a single RF carrier. 
So if you have 64 IPTV streams, you can put 2 programs on each RF channel in QAM. The same is true if you would like to put 3 TS on one RF channel. 
Then if you have coax going through out your hotel, we have amps and splitters for coax if needed:
RF Splitters/combiners - the blue icons above the picture show the assortment we offer
Let me know if this makes sense and if you have any questions. 
Also please be aware that if your IPTV headend outputs MPEG4, that your televisions in each room must be available to decode MPEG4 TS as well otherwise this will not work. 
Please check your televisions in reference if they can decode QAM in MPEG2 and MPEG4. 
Well I'm assuming you're not talking about an IP switch, but you'll probably need one of those. 
If they are going to 2 televisions then he wants to be able to view them easily, we have an actual controller like this model https://thorbroadcast.com/product/maximuscontrol-professional-grade-video-ptz-controller.html
If they're going to a TV then they either need to have HDMI or RF. 
We do have IP to RF converters and gateways, however if your IP camera's are not MPEG2 then those streams need to be encoded first since North American standard for television is MPEG2, and not H264.
We do have a compact 4 channel model if your IP camera's are actually MPEG2 as well H-IPRF-4QAM
This would allow you to view those Camera's like regular CATV channels on your TV. 
If the camera's are IP in H264 you can also use the IP STB, you'll need 4, and if the TV's are far away from each other you will need perhaps another set of 4 at the other TV. 
Those STB's will decode your IP to HDMI, then you can use and HDMI switcher to go into the TV. 
We do have an 8x8 switcher for HDMI ports. 
Hopefully that helps. 

We can only do that using VCT (Virtual
Channel Table) numbers, not the physical channels, because they are
too spread out on the RF spectrum.
Please find attached a list of which frequencies are currently
available on your coax.

The device has created blocks of 32 channels, for example, starting
from channel 23 and above. Please set them first.

Attached you will find the QAM J.83b frequency chart and a quick
installation guide for your reference.
. You can configure it in the modulator section.

To proceed, go to the TS property output on each stream, clear the
property, and set the proper Major and Minor channel numbers in the
Channel Tab. Enable VCT on each output (CVCT).


Thank you for your inquiry. I will give you a call to discuss this further, as there are several possible approaches. 

The fiber solution is a solid option, and Smile could also be considered.





If you prefer an IP-based solution, I would recommend the 24-channel CVBS baseband Video Encoder, which eliminates the need to convert to HDMI:
H-24AV-IP24 Analog CVBS Video/Audio H.264 SD Encoder & Streamer.

On the receiving end, we can use the H-IP-32RF, an IP to 32-channel analog RF modulator:
H-IP-32RF – IPTV to 32 RF Channel Analog NTSC/PAL Modulator.

Please refer to the application drawing below:



Productos similares:


The H-IPRF-4QAM is compact IP to RF Gateway that conveniently takes your UDP/RTP TS and converts to digital CATV RF QAM, ATSC, or DVB-T & ISDB-T.

IPTV to 32 RF channel Analog NTSC PAL Modulator IPTV to 32 RF channel Analog NTSC PAL Modulator

IPTV streams to 32 Analog channel modulator for Modulation Digital IPTV MPTS or SPTS's strems, digital programs to analog NTSC modulated channels. Most analog modulators have Baseband Video Audio CVBS inputs, this unique modulator has an IPTV input, decodes those streams internally to analog CVBS format and modulates them on the NTSC analog channels carriers.



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