4 mW CATV RF Over Fiber Tx 45-870 MHz

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Price: $ 1,995.00
Availability: In stock Condition: new QR Code 4 mW CATV RF Over Fiber Tx 45-870 MHz
Shipping: starting at $22.00 Warranty: 2Yrs
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RF over Fiber Tx - 4mW Output 45-870 MHz

1310nm - 4mW fiber optic transmitter for Television RF (Radio Frequencies) from 45-870 MHz.  Directly converts any incoming RF signal within this band to optical RF.  Transports all channels and programs over one fiber.  Can be used for point to point, or combined with PLC couplers and fiber optic splitters for point to multipoint applications.  Outputs Industry standard RFoG (RF over Glass) signals that can be accepted by most fiber optic RF receivers from other manufacturers.  Easy to read front panel LCD provides information and alarm data, and simplifies configuration.  This system features a highly linear DFB laser with automatic adjustment circuitry with Automatic Gain Control.  For added reliability, a second internal Power Supply Unit is available as an option.

Transmitter can be used with any or Thor Fiber optical RF receivers


 • 4 mW Optical Power Output from sensor feedback controlled laser system
 • Transports entire 45-870 MHz band even with full channel lineups
 • Create high security "Fiber Breaks" to eliminate coax signal return path
 • Automatic Gain Control (AGC) manages RF level with no adjustment needed
 • Compatible with all Thor RFoG CATV series optical receiver systems

IMPORTANT NOTE*** (it is very important to interface our unit with SC/APC - Angle Polished Connector to avoid any light reflections.

If your fiber is terminated with the SC, ST, FC /PC flat connector, you need to use an optical jumper from PC type to SC/APC for proper conversion.



*All Specifiactions Subject to Change Without Notice
  • Input

1x Type-F connector - 75 Ohm

  • Optical Wavelength
  • Line Width:
< 1 MHz   FWHM
  • Extinction Ratio
>20 dB XP
  • Equivalent Noise Intensity
< -160 dB/Hz
  • Output Power
4 mW  (+6dBm)
  • Return Loss
>55 dB
  • Optical Connector

SC/APC - Angle Polished

IMPORTANT NOTE*** (it is very important to interface our unit with SC/APC - Angle Polished Connector to avoid any light reflections.

If your fiber is terminated with the  SC, ST, FC /PC flat connector, you need to use an optical jumper from PC type to SC/APC for proper conversion. 

  • RF Power Level
11-29 dBmV AGC Managed
  • Flatness
<± 0.75    45 - 862 MHz
  • SBC Restrain
>17 dBm
  • CNR
>50 dB @ 10km fiber length
  • CTB
< -63 dB
  • CSO
< -57 dB
  • Dimensions
19 x 10 x 1.75 inch
  • Weight
2.5 kg
  • Operating Temperature
0 - 45 

Question and Answers

The only reliable way is to use optical SC/APC attenuators, there are some "temporary test methods " 1 connect an optical fiber to the meter and Bend the fiber slightly gently; but not too much of an acute angle to avoid damaging it. 2 Remove the fiber jumper slightly from the adaptor to create an air gap, you can monitor the loss using the Optical Meter
Thank you for reaching out to Thor Fiber.

To send CATV  RF from one location to 5 remote locations, please use the following equipment:

  • F-RF-1310-TX-16MW: 16 MW CATV RF transmitter - $2995 -  https://thorbroadcast.com/product/16-mw-catv-rf-over-fiber-tx-45-870-mhz.html
  • F-PLC-1x8: 1x8 optical splitter - $495 (no 5-port available)  https://thorbroadcast.com/product/1-x-2-to-1-x-128-fiber-optic-couplers.html/226
  • F-RF-RX-RM: Optical to RF high-power receiver - $1595 each - https://thorbroadcast.com/product/catv-rf-fiber-receiver-high-rf-power-rack-8230.html
    • High dual power output: 45 dBmV each, eliminates the need for RF amplifiers.
    The signal flow diagram
  • Central Location
         |  (RF Signal)
         |  (RF Signal)
     F-PLC-1x8 Optical Splitter
         |---- Single-Mode Fiber ----|
         |                           |                          
         |                           |                          
         |                           |                          
         V                           V                          
    Building 1                   Building 2      ...        Building 5
         |                           |                           |
         |  (Fiber to RF Conversion) |                           |
         |                           |                           |
     F-RF-RX-RM                 F-RF-RX-RM                   F-RF-RX-RM
         |                           |                           |
         |  (RF Signal 45 dBmV)      |                           |
         |                           |                           |
       Output                     Output                      Output


Please note that this equipment requires single-mode fiber only (not multimode) and must be interfaced with an SC/APC (angle polished connector).

One more thing: if you have SC/PC connectors on your patch panel, you will need to use conversion cables (jumpers) — SC/APC (for our devices, green) to SC/PC (flat, blue) to connect to your patch panels.


Okay we certainly have the gear available that you need, but to narrow it down I just have a couple basic questions. 
What is the distance of your single mode fiber? Do you already have SC/APC terminations on the singlemode? 
Do you need bidirectional or is this application just going unidirectionally?
If this is uni- directional transmission ( Cable TV video only)
you can use those TX/RX units , 1 single mode fiber is required SC/APC fiber connects
If this is Bi-directional ( Cable TV + Internet)
You can use this unit, 2 single mode fibers are required, SC/APC fiber connects

Yes, absolutely! We have great engineers and the capability to help you design and advise on the right equipment. Please check the application drawing below to see what we did for one of our customers

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